
Acupuncture for Back Pain

Acupuncture for back pain

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Now a day’s back pain has become a common disease. 8 among every 10 people suffer low back pain at some point in their lifetime. Back pain is the most common chronic pain issue for which people consult medical treatment.
Acupuncture is suggested to be the best treatment for chronic low back pain and an effective tool for treating it. Acupuncture is a popular ancient physical therapy treatment introduced by the Chinese.

How acupuncture helps back pain

Acupuncture was introduced in China more than 2,500 years ago. This treatment involves the insertion of needles at certain pressure points on the body. Needles used during the treatment do not cause any such discomfort.
Acupuncture therapy in Vancouver
An acupuncturist will target the energy points called meridians. Stimulating these energy points will have a special benefit to the painful nerves and muscles of your back.
Following are some pressure points for treating lower back pain:
– Foot points
– Lower back points
– Back of the knees
– Hip
– Hand
– Stomach
When these points are triggered, parts of the nervous system are stimulated to relieve pain. Acupuncture will also help to treat other similar neuromuscular issues for which they are the least remedy options such as
  • Headaches
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Musculoskeletal pain
  • Post-Surgery Recovery
  • Sciatica pain
  • Temporomandibular joint disorder

In 2012, research was done to analyze how helpful acupuncture treatment is. The treatment included 20,000 people with chronic pain issues and was given authentic treatments, fake treatments, and no treatment at all. People who received authentic acupuncture treatment experienced almost 50 percent of improvement.

Things to know about back pain and acupuncture
Acupuncture is the best therapy to ease your chronic pain. But make sure to get treated by a professional acupuncturist. Do background research before attending any practitioner. Or talk to someone who has consulted an acupuncturist for back pain.
Sometimes acupuncture might report soreness, bruising, and minor bleeding at puncture sites. However, these issues will disappear in few days. If you’re pregnant, make sure to talk to your acupuncturist before starting the therapy.
The acupuncturist must use the sterilized needles and must be disposable. Also, the puncture sites must be clean enough to avoid any risk of infection.
How to get acupuncture therapy for back pain?
Consult your physician before trying acupuncture for back pain relief. Make sure to discuss with them if it would be the best way to treat your back pain.
Before booking your appointment, make sure to contact the professional acupuncturist only. An acupuncturist must be properly trained, must have a license, and valid certification to provide safe treatment.
MJPhysio has a registered Acupuncturist that offers acupuncture therapy In Surrey, Vancouver, and Fleetwood locations. Book your appointment today and treat your chronic back pain.
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