Massage therapies are one of the oldest forms of therapy to get rid of body pain. Massage therapies have several sub-types of massages and one of the most famous ones is deep tissue massage. Many of them do not have any idea about the deep tissue massage technique and many more out of confusion, ends up comparing it with the Swedish massage.
Before taking an appointment for your deep massage therapy sessions, here are some essential things to understand about it.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage is a technique of massage which is much similar to Swedish massage. However, in the deep tissue massage, more pressure is used to push deeper into the muscles. Apart from this, similar to Swedish massage it also focuses on using a slow stroke to apply pressure to your whole body muscles.
The technique of deep tissue massage was created by Therese Pfrimmer, a physiotherapist from Canada while she was on her way to find the solution for her leg paralysis. She then realized that by changing the pressure intensities over the deep muscles and tissues, she slowly started to recover from paralysis.
Read the infographic below to know who can opt for deep tissue massage.
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